The Inventor of Rainbow Loom
Wonder who invented Rainbow loom. This high selling fag gained high amounts of money, in a short amount of time. How? Well the true inventor was Cheong Choon Ng. He didn't do this alone though. His two daughters were part of the action too. Together the trio created what is now known as Rainbow Loom.This new product sold 1.2 million units from 2010 to September 2013! That is a lot! Unfortunatly, other company's like FunLoom and Cra-Z-Loom took the same idea, tweaked it and called it their own. Sales prices dropped slightly, and Cheong Choon Ng sued the company's. To find out more on Rainbow loom and Cheong Choon Ng go to the link below.
My Opinions
Personally I have used and continue to use Rainbow loom. i have tried other products, such as Fun Loom and Cra-Z- Loom, but i think the Rainbow loom is the best. Others may have different opinions but from experiences with these products the original Rainbow loom is the best. It is slightly less sturdy than the other products, but that is, because it can be changed into other forms/figures, to make unique designs. Other company's didn't add that twist to their looms. There are other reasons people like and dislike the different loom kits. To find out watch the video below.
Got Questions?
Want to know more about the rival between inventors of loom band kits? Why not find out! Comment any questions, concerns, or any other information you found! I would be glad to know your opinion about these high selling toys.